Critical Reflections/ Discussion Views from Reading Group and Lectures
Overall, I thought many discussions and lectures were extremely interesting; broadening the mind and the concept that art can cover a spectrum of topics, ideas, and fantasies. I was pleased to be exposed to the numerous themes, subjects and works - even if not always appealing or positive.
One of the positive readings and discussion that helped further my perceptions was ‘How the World came in’ which set different insights about a number of artists. On a negative aspect was reading on ‘Terror’, which demonstrates that artist can exploit disastrous and horrifying situations in the advancement of art. This theme or genre is contrary to my personal views and beliefs that art should be pleasing, appealing and calming to the viewer.
During this Winter/Spring term, there were a number of fascinating and profound lectures and discussions, however the most critical and mind-opened was the Black Artist lecture (Manchester Art Gallery) presented by Geraint Evans. In summary, it was about the emerging black and asian artists and their struggles for the recognition of their brilliant works that eventually, and only within the modern era, culminated in a successful black arts movement and final global acceptance and fame. Previously very little black and asian art come into public view or even mentioned within art, but through continued relentless perseverance, including cost of life, these black and asian artists have contributed great works to the art world.
In reflection and in mentally numbering the past great black (ethnic) artist that achieved any fame, I was stunned by how few, if any, that I could recall or even recognise. Due to the lecture, I researched further the impressions of black artists and as a result, I used the parts of this topic and associated artists in my term essay. The lecture was enlightening and well presented based on good visuals, information and arguments. Overall, the lecture provided conscious thinking points which no other recent lecture or discussion was able to deeply imprint upon me.
Another notable lecture was on techniques in paintings presented by Geraint Evans. This lecture was very helpful in allowing me to discover different artist, their techniques and how paintings are embodied in the material world. Ideas are temporary and sometimes immaterial, however the paintings are nearly everlasting and contribute to endless new thoughts and notions. The lecture reviewed abstract expressionism through contemporary art while revealing the numerous participating artists and associated undertones of their art. Specifically I really enjoyed the philosophy and artistic views presented for each artist, their methodology, how they evolved and the message they left through their paintings. Particularly, I was impressed by the narrative detailing differences between photography and painting. Specifically in understanding the means in which photography gives the viewer an automatic inscription of the object and how the paintings are more subjective having a greater monetary value, emotional response and association. It provided a greater awareness of the varied bird’s eye view between photographer and painter. Lecture presentation and matters were very well organised, and imparted to me, knowledge of new painters and photographers.
In general, the term lectures and presentations were typically very well organised, presented and provided new information which in all purposes contributed to my overall development and growth in the program.